Reclaim time. Unlock your firm’s revenue.

Spending days engaging clients? Chasing late payments? Dealing with scope creep? We get it. Ignition helps accounting and professional services businesses reclaim time, profitability and cash flow. Automate proposals, billing, payments and workflows in a single platform.

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The smartest businesses run on Ignition

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Proposals accepted with Ignition

Digital proposals

Start client relationships on the right foot with time-saving proposals clients can review and sign online within minutes.

Proposal card

Engagement letters

Automatic payments

Automated billing

Automated workflows

Business dashboards

Transform the way your firm engages clients, bills and gets paid for all client work. It's time to start maximizing your revenue, cash flow and efficiency with Ignition.

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Why 7,250+ accounting and professional services businesses recommend Ignition

  • "We have zero accounts receivables, literally none. I used to have to go chase people. Now, we charge our clients the first of the month – it's automatically withdrawn from their bank account or from their credit card account."

    Marie Greene avatar
    Marie Greene
    Founder & CEO, Connected Accounting
  • "I was able to grow my business by 40% and win back 100+ hours of admin time by automating invoicing, payment collection and workflow thanks to Ignition."

    Adarsh Dutt avatar
    Adarsh Dutt
    Co-Founder, Oyster Hub
  • "We’ve gone from spending three months on admin (billing clients and creating engagement letters) to about two days. That’s a 97% reduction. It’s incredible to think of how much time we wasted simply because we didn’t know a better alternative method existed."

    Jeffery Davidson avatar
    Jeffery Davidson
    Jeffery Davidson & Associates

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Ignite your firm’s revenue potential

Join the 7,250+ accounting and professional services businesses that have transformed how they do business with a 14 day free trial. No credit card needed.