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Ignition helped All In Advisory enhance its onboarding and billing processes, leading to healthier cash flow and a better experience for the firm’s clients and team. 

revenue growth in 4 years through efficient processes and technology
4 hrs
saved per client using Ignition to automate proposal and billing workflows
per year in cost savings by using Ignition instead of hiring a full time admin role

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Ignition is a game changer, and it just becomes part of your foundation. It is an integral part of our tech stack at All In Advisory, and it has allowed us to scale quickly and become an award-winning firm.

Aly Garrett, Founder, All In Advisory

The challenge: going from good to great

All In Advisory's Founder, Aly Garrett, and the firm's General Manager, Lee Duffield, are no strangers to running an accounting practice. Having been colleagues at a previous firm, Aly and Lee share a deep understanding of the importance of efficiency and the challenges of managing operations with outdated systems.

So when they launched All In Advisory, they knew their firm needed a solid tech stack right from the get-go. Specifically, they wanted to implement tools that would streamline their processes, enhance the client experience, and help the business maintain healthy cash flow. 

Avoiding bottlenecks with client engagement

Aly knew the perils of not having a streamlined and automated client proposal and engagement process. She saw firsthand how static Word documents led to delays and inconsistencies that could impact client satisfaction.

"At [our previous firm], we were quoting in Word, which was near impossible to keep up with. It didn't look good, and you couldn't move it between team members."

An even better system for managing debtors

At her previous firm, Aly says she managed to maintain a tight grip on debtor days, keeping them at an impressive level. "Since my prior firm, I had really good debtor days. They were sitting at about 34, 35 days, which was extraordinary." 

Of course, good debtor days were fine, but Aly wanted things to be even better at her new firm. So, she aimed for even shorter cycles and more proactive debtor management.

The solution: enhancing everything from the first client touchpoint all the way to billing and reengagement

Aly and Lee made Ignition a key part of All In Advisory's tech stack, which proved to be an excellent move for the business because it allowed them to simplify their operations and scale their services without sacrificing quality or efficiency.

Increased capacity to onboard clients and efficiently scale the business

For starters, Ignition gave Aly and the team the capability to onboard numerous clients despite having a small team.

"It definitely helped us to be more efficient and onboard clients quickly. I don't think we could have onboarded that much with the resources that we had. In some ways, Ignition kept our costs lean because we didn't have an admin person until about two and a half years in," she says.

These efficiencies translated to significant financial savings. To keep up with its rapid growth, All in Advisory would have needed to hire an administrative person at a cost of about $60,000 to $70,000 per year. By leveraging Ignition, the firm saved this amount annually, allowing Aly to put more resources back into the business.

Adding the "wow" factor to the client experience

Beyond helping the firm run smoothly on the backend, Ignition positively impacts All In Advisory's client-facing interactions.

"Ignition is one of the first things a potential client will see," explains Aly. "I'll meet with a client and then prep a quote through the Ignition platform. And we've got all of our branding and videos in there because we want clients to have a 'wow' experience."

Thanks to Ignition, clients are impressed from the very beginning, setting a positive tone for the entire engagement.

Improving client relationships

Ignition helps All In Advisory kick off proposals and engagements on the right foot, but what about the firm's ongoing client relationships?

As it turns out, Ignition also does wonders for fostering client trust and loyalty.

As Aly points out, "It creates a really great first impression and eliminates bill shock to the client. And it actually improves the client experience because you're being so upfront and transparent."

Such transparency lays a solid foundation for continued client loyalty.

"It really helped to improve our client relationships. One of the most common pieces of feedback we get from clients is they don't want that 'bill shock.' So Ignition has helped client relationships [in that aspect.]"

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Streamlining billing and client reengagement

On the financial side, Aly says Ignition enables the firm to maintain healthy cash flow because billing and collecting funds is handled automatically on the platform, which eliminates payment delays.

"I don't have debtor days now," she shares. Aly and Lee’s decision to implement Ignition early on meant they could focus on growing the business rather than chasing payments or dealing with revenue issues.

Not to mention that since the firm implements fixed fee billing, cash flow is more predictable and easier to manage. Aly and the team can conduct forecasts and projections with confidence and ensure business stability.

Ignition also makes renewals and reengagements easier by automating the process. This ensures that nothing falls through the cracks and clients are reengaged at the right time.

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