December 2nd, 2022

Latest Ignition platform release helps accountants and professional services manage scope changes to optimize revenue

New feature enables changes to an existing service description, price, quantity, and billing details

Sydney, Australia, December 2ndIgnition, the world’s first client engagement and commerce platform for professional services businesses, has made it easy for professional services customers to adjust the scope of work for existing client engagements to optimize revenue with the launch of Service Edits.

This follows Ignition's State of Client Engagement report highlighting that unrecovered out of scope work is costing accounting and bookkeeping firms on average, per year, over $76,000 in the USA, over $103,000 in Australia, and nearly £70,000 in the UK.

Dane Thomas Co-Founder and Chief Product Officer, of Ignition, said “With this enhanced service editing feature, professional services businesses can adjust existing services for signed client proposals and engagement letters to ensure they charge and get paid for their full value. It enables our customers to easily make changes to the price, quantity and billing details of their services even after a client has accepted the proposal. 

"While having a signed letter of engagement with a clear scope of work is crucial to starting any client relationship off on the right foot, we know things change. Our research shows that 43% of accounting professionals in the US (35% in Australia; 33% in the UK) absorb the time and cost of increased scope of work themselves – this product enhancement helps ensure they’re not leaving money on the table,” said Dane.

The new service editing feature enables customers to make adjustments to active services within Ignition without the client needing to sign a new proposal, allowing them to: 

  • Manage changes in scope effectively by editing active services when the scope of the project changes
  • Ensure accurate billing and payment for work by quickly making changes to the service description, price, quantity, and billing details
  • Provide clients with a better experience by offering the flexibility to adjust active services if their needs change during the engagement term
  • Notify clients of adjustments to the agreement without requiring them to sign a new proposal
  • Stay compliant with a clear audit trail of any service changes.

Helen Dower, from Morrows, a financial and professional services firm based in Melbourne, Australia said, "I’m loving the new service editing feature in Ignition. A client of ours wanted a specific billing date after signing off the original proposal, and this was so easy to change, without requiring a new proposal," she said. 

“When businesses sell their services in a way that is clear and make it easy for clients to know exactly what they’re buying, both the accountant and client feel confident about doing business together,” said Dane.

Ignition continues to invest in its platform to help accounting, bookkeeping and professional services businesses operate more efficiently, optimize revenue, and deliver seamless client experiences. 


Press resources: 

For the executive headshot and Ignition’s Service Edit platform image follow the link here 

For more on Ignition’s State of Client Engagement

For additional information on Ignition Product news, visit

For more information on Ignition, visit

Media contact: Luke Cuell, +61 (0) 458 626 578 

About Ignition 
Ignition is the world’s first client engagement and commerce platform for professional services businesses, to streamline how they engage clients and get paid. Over 6,000 accounting and professional services firms around the world use Ignition to win new business with impressive digital proposals, engage clients with a clear scope of work, and get paid on time by automating payment collection. Ignition also integrates with leading business apps such as Gusto, QuickBooks, Xero and Zapier to automate time-consuming tasks. Founded in 2013 by a progressive accounting entrepreneur to find a better way of doing business, our goal is to help customers grow, be more efficient, and create win-win client relationships. To date, we’ve helped facilitate more than 1 million client engagements and over $3 billion in client payments. Ignition has teams in Australia, Canada, New Zealand, The Philippines, South Africa, US and the UK, with approximately 200 employees globally.