Do you find yourself chasing overdue payments, wanting to improve your debtors process to avoid it, but can’t find the time, or energy to do so?
We have just what you need. 6 simple steps, to be on your way to zero debtors. We’ve compiled a concise and straightforward guide to propel your company into a future free from chasing delayed payments and aging receivables.
Join this session to learn why now’s the time for you to concentrate on the crucial task of recovering overdue receivables. During this session, we’ll explore the main drivers for this must-do change, followed by guidance and practical steps to achieve it—the why and the how, it’s that simple!

About the session
Register for this session, and walk away with:
- How to identify the drivers for this change within your practice
- How to quantify these reasons and determine the return required
- How to align the resources you need for the change
- How to create an implementation plan for the change
- Tips and steps on how to communicate the change to your clients
- How technology can help you on your way to a debtors free firm!