Looking for a hands-free way to ensure you are paid for all of your work this EOFY?
Refine your firm's payment processes this EOFY with our targeted masterclass designed specifically for accounting professionals. This session will uncover strategies to eliminate delayed client payments and unbilled work while upgrading your pricing strategies before the EOFY.
Register now to hear from award-winning industry expert, Rebecca Mihalic, as she breaks down the common challenges for this time of year and shares strategies to refine your business operations. Learn how to address payment and debtor challenges with a streamlined, automated approach to client engagements.
Walk away with:
- Effective techniques to easily reprice client work.
- Strategies to avoid write-offs, using simple engagement solutions.
- Insights on how to better manage your cash flow and put payments on autopilot.
- Ways to utilise Ignition’s library of tax and accounting service templates to optimise efficiency in your firm this EOFY.