Founded in 2013, Ignition is the leading revenue generation platform for accounting and professional services businesses. We automate and optimize proposals, billing, payments and workflows to spark greater efficiency and profitability.
Ignition was founded
Clients engaged
Client payments processed
Average based on thousands of reviews
United States
Our people are spread across the United States, including, Austin, Chicago, Seattle and San Francisco.
United States
Our people are spread across the United States, including, Austin, Chicago, Seattle and San Francisco.
United Kingdom
You’ll find Ignitioneers across the UK and Ireland.
Ignition began in 2013 in Australia. Our people live across the continent, and we have a dedicated office in Sydney, and shared work spaces in Brisbane and Melbourne.
Our work spaces are in Toronto and Kelowna, and our Ignitioneers live across the country.
New Zealand
We have people across both the North and South islands of New Zealand.
While most of our people are based out of Manila, some live across the Philippines.